Wednesday, August 3, 2016

We Reap What We Sow

The choice between what’s Convenient & What’s Right

               - The Seed Way…

The CEO of ABC Corp., Mr. Williams, was retiring next month and in regards to the same; he called upon a meeting of around 20 crucial members of the Company. The agenda of gathering was to appoint a fitment to his replacement. Mr. Williams introduced the group about his retirement and the plan of identifying an internal employee to replace his designation.

On listening to the CEO; all started chit chatting internally and there was a wave of excitement running in hearts of all. Mr. Williams then said that all of them are equally qualified, with proven track record and equally eligible to be identified for the said position. So in order to choose the right person who is Mr. Right to blossom the Company with magnificent colors and aid in the swift growth of Company; he has got zip lock plastic bags for each of them which carries seeds. Each one has to plough the seeds in a pot, water them regularly and take care of its upbringing. By end of 15 days, all have to carry their respective pots to the office and based on observation, Mr. Williams will take the decision. Although astonished, all were excited about the whole exercise and more of to the ultimate tag to be attained post that activity which created more fascination.

All went home happily with their bags, buying a beautiful pot and best of the fertilizer on the way to home. The first thing that they did on reaching home was to plough the seeds in their expensive pots, water it, add fertilizer and then doing the daily activity. Amongst the 20 chosen employees, there was 1 employee named John who also did the same as rest 19. All used to do the same thing daily for first 5 days, then on 6th day onwards they started sharing their experiences. Few of them got a yellow flower, few got 2 red flowers, few got orange sunflower and few got white lilies. On the other hand, John was little sad as till date there was no flower to his plant. He still watered the plant and adequately fertilized to eagerly wait for his 1st flower or at least a leaf. Days went by, all kept on cherishing their flowers and the plant’s growth but alas, John was still resenting as his seeds has not even grown the roots!!!

On 15th day, all the 19 brought their pots happily and with pride on their faces. However, John brought the pot with immense heavy heart and with a sad face. All were informed to gather in the conference room. All intended to keep their pots in front but John kept his pot at the last, feeling ashamed. Mr. Williams entered the room. He started observing plants one by one and asking the concerned about experience of upbringing the plant. Everyone started talking about their efforts and cautious approach for the 15 days exercise. After listening all, when Williams turned to John, he was surprised to see his pot. He asked him, “Is this your pot?” to which he replied “yes”.

Mr. Williams holds and raises the hand of John with happiness declaring him to be the next CEO. Everyone’s jaw was dropped in the room as to why John was chosen. Then Mr. Williams announced that the seeds that were handed over to be grown have no potential to grow at all as they were the dead seeds!!! All the 19 employees played trickery and manipulated results by buying a flowery plant from market and presenting in front of management; while unlike others John consistently and honestly kept watering the seeds and feeding fertilizer without losing hope and presented the honest outcome in front of management.

“Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it
While; Right is Right even if no one is doing it”…

This story makes us understand the true meaning of Integrity which means- Doing the right thing even when no one is watching you. Integrity is one of the core values that is a mandatory expectation from a professional. Also as rightly titled that whatever we sow the same would be reaped. It was convenient to buy plant from market and present rather than having patience and doing what’s right. John sows honesty, commitment, consistency and trust which reaps him to be appointed as next CEO for the Company.

                       “Respect is earned;
                                      Honesty is appreciated;
                                                        Trust is gained &
                                                                    Loyalty is returned”…




    1. My pleasure Aarti...Thank you...All these stories are very inspiring. I have also heard them from some or other sources, hence thought of sharing with others...

  2. Its amazing...waiting for next blog
